Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The World bank is an organization that loans/gives money to charities and organizations for good causes. It is important to get information from many countries so that the data is universalized.

Poverty is a very extreme, devastating and serious factor that is adding to the constantly increasing death rate in the world. The difference between poverty and extreme poverty is that with poverty, you may only have 1 or 2 meals a day, where as sometimes in extreme poverty you have to choose whether to clench your child's hunger, or your own.

A poverty trap is when you can't get out of poverty easily because you don't have an education or any qualifications for a job. The world bank defines poverty as a person that earns under $1.25 a day 1.4 billion people live under the poverty line in the world.

In this video, I discovered that 850 billion people go to sleep hungry every night. Worse than this, 22,000 people die EVERY day from extreme poverty. The numbers have improved, in 1981 there were 4 in every 10 people living in extreme poverty, now there are fewer than 1 in 4.

There are organizations online such as unicef, world bank etc that are give and get loans for helping build houses and get clean water and donate a lot of money for the countries in trouble. I have seen poverty many times, around the streets, shops and every time I see it, it makes me feel bad, especially after I have been shopping. Seeing these people, in need and desperate for food and money, begging for money from strangers because it is their only chance. Sometimes I imagine myself in their situation and it's awful to think like that because I can't imagine sleeping on the streets, having people walking past with shopping bags, food, expensive items and wish that it was my life. I feel awful, and I want to do as much as I can for the people I see, but I feel powerless

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shower of Aid brings flood of progress.

Sachs demonstrated technology-based programs like health, education and communication, which resulted huge improvements and lift people out of poverty. People also learned to improve and use surroundings efficiently like breeding catfish and harvesting honey. Some goals were teaching crop rotation and working against malaria since these goals prevents deaths of one million children. With help of technology instant treatment helps saves life instantly. Can Sauri’s success be replicated? Donors are required to wipe out poverty but this is hard when people are unaware and obstacles to aid like government corruption. Poverty might have a link with terrorism ending about 1/3 the problem. as a reference the actual article can be read!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Even today 22,000 people die from extreme poverty. This video showed us that a few simple solutions can change the lives of a whole community. One of the leading causes of child deaths is cause of malaria. With the help of $7 not only the lives of children can be saved but these kill the mosquitos as well. 850 million sleep hungry everyday. With about 30 bags of seeds the whole village can sleep peacefully and almost all the children of the village get an education because of free lunches at school. This also helps the kids grow healthily. Thus i learnt that everyone can help even us. Poverty has to end. If we al get together and join hands this will become reality.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Peace by understanding not by force!

Peace by understanding and not by force is a paraphrase from a quote by Albert Einstein 'Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.' I chose this quote because it represents what still is happening in the world, wars are still happening and is affecting everyone today. Millions of innocent people are loosing their lives and suffering for no reason. Every one needs to understand what peace really is and wants it. Im sure every individual wants to be safe from deaths and wants to feel safe and live with no tensions. I think this can only happen if we make rights a compulsory curriculum in every ones education. Every one also has to have a voice as an individual. People needs to see themselves in everyone else and think equality. The only reason why there are still wars is because of threats and the difference between to cultures etc. Peace is something everyone needs inorder to feel secure in their own homes. Stop wars and think equality in order to make our world a better place!